Exercising with Threat Models

Archive for October, 2014

Exercising with Threat Models

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The video of my GrrCon talk is now online. If you want to see the talk in context of my year-long series, please see my post onĀ Story-Driven Security.


Exercising with Threat Models @ GrrCon 2014

Everyone advocates for threat modeling. Few actually do it. This session aims to close that gap by demonstrating the #misec Attack Path methodology. First, we will select and analyze a security incident. Using threat modeling, we will break the incident down into the path the attacker followed through the network. Second, we will perform a table top exercise to identify the detective and preventative controls along that path. Using a controls assessment, we can determine our actual defense-in-depth for this particular attack. Finally, we will create a security exercise that tests the controls along the path. The session will conclude with a discussion of using the Attack Path for incident response exercises.