Things to Consider When Buying a Password Manager, U.S. News

Archive for April, 2024

Things to Consider When Buying a Password Manager, U.S. News

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Modern life means the proliferation of passwords. From banking to BBC iPlayer, nearly every website or application requires creating a password. But remembering multiple passwords is cumbersome and using the same easy-to-remember password for every application is a security nightmare. This is where password managers have come into their own

Excerpt from: Best Password Managers in the UK

Things to Consider When Buying a Password Manager

Security features and encryption. “It’s important to determine whether your passwords are safeguarded with multi-factor authentication and if the protection is structured so that only you have access to your data,” says Wolfgang Goerlich, faculty member at cybersecurity research and advisory firm, IANS Research. “This is commonly known as zero-knowledge architecture, which is a great way of saying that the vendor cannot access my passwords and secrets.”

Data backup and sync. For business users with “higher demands on the availability and integrity of their password manager”, Goerlich says that it is important to look into data recovery options, especially if the product is cloud-based: “If the cloud becomes unavailable, the password managers need to be able to continue to function.

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