Building a vulnerability management program

Building a vulnerability management program

Vulnerability management is one of the components of risk management. (The other two are asset management and threat management.) It is more than just keeping up on Microsoft patch Tuesday. First, the scope should include all your applications, operating systems, networking gear, and network architecture. Second, the process should include regular vulnerability assessments. And of course vulnerability management is an ongoing concern. What is secured today will be broken tomorrow.

Where to start? Diana Kelley has an in-depth article on building a vulnerability management program on “We will present a framework for building a vulnerability management life-cycle. Using examples from practitioners, you will get a from–the-trenches view of what works and what doesn’t when trying to win the ongoing vulnerability management war.”

Framework for building a vulnerability management life-cycle program:

I am mentioned a few times in the article. If you are a regular reader of this blog, you will recognize my themes. Start small and bootstrap your way to success. Bake security in: during evaluation and selection, during implementation, during operation, and during retirement. Integrate IT security with IT operations to reduce costs and increase security.

Ready to build a vulnerability management program? Definitely check out Diana Kelley’s piece. She lays it all out in a logical fashion.

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