Thou shall not copy production data into test environments! Yeah, good luck with that. Here’s a reasonable approach to protecting sensitive data in development environments.
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Thou shall not copy production data into test environments! Yeah, good luck with that. Here’s a reasonable approach to protecting sensitive data in development environments.
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Level One Robotics provides a case study on what not to do, in a breach that rocked the Motor City last month.
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The human response time is around 200-300 milliseconds. But what’s our security team’s response time? And are our tools aligned with that time?
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Developers don’t always read documentation. Firewall admins don’t always block all ports. And users don’t have CyberSecurity street smarts. Now, combine all three with cryptocurrency.
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Risk might just be the second most overused word in IT Security. Here’s how to plug it into our security programs.
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Two ways to answer the auditors when our IT security controls just aren’t quite where we need them to be.
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Co presented with Zachary Sarakun.
Cryptocurrency brings with it a slew of new security concerns: 51% attacks, forks, and encryption busting quantum computing. This talk will explore the latest while providing background information on Blockchain and the inherent security controls it brings. That said, any technology is only as secure as the implementation. Moreover, every new technology gets adapted on the street to fit old crimes. Stolen wallets. Pyramid schemes. Confidence tricks and more. We’ll compare and contrast the crimes that the news media hypes and the cons that criminals routinely run.
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We turn to DevOps for speed. We turn to Cloud for flexibility. We adopt faster, leaner, more collaborative processes to drive change. And then? We turn to information security for protection. But can we secure the technology without slowing the pace? This session presents an entirely fictional development organization adopting DevOps. We will discuss which traditional software security processes work, and which ones fail entirely. Awareness training, muscle memory, culture shifts, all will be brought together. The presentation will conclude with take-aways for applying security to your DevOps team without slowing down.
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How to use GDPR Subject Access Requests (SAR) to build the business case for purchasing an Indy race car. Or, at least, to drive spending on GDPR compliance without over investing.
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The FBI sent out an urgent request to reboot home WiFi routers. Bonus points for updating firmware and changing passwords. But apparently, few actually did. So what does this say about security when something as simple as a reboot doesn’t get done?
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