One benefit from bug bounties, with a classic example of the Google Calendar hack.
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One benefit from bug bounties, with a classic example of the Google Calendar hack.
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Bounty hunters, those keyboard cowboys, bent on circumventing protections and leveraging mistakes in software. All for coin, swag, and glory. But bug bounty programs are the latest attempt to find and stamp out code-level weaknesses. We’ve tried education. We’ve tried coding guidelines. We’ve tried top tens and paid penetration testers. And now we turn to the lone hunter, hoping to find and close just one more vulnerability. This session will highlight some achievements in recent times by these bounty hunters. And stepping back, thinking about defensibility, a framework and approach for building stronger software will be shared. After all, anyone writing code today lives with a price on their head.
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A support scam provides a case study in why we need to talk to our parents about cyber security.
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Controls are only as good as the people behind them. Example? A SMS multi-factor authentication, a phone company, an investor, and $23 million in cryptocurrency.
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What’s the one thing most people get wrong when setting up their first honeypot?
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Two tips I received on Twitter about yesterday’s video on securing test data.
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Thou shall not copy production data into test environments! Yeah, good luck with that. Here’s a reasonable approach to protecting sensitive data in development environments.
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Level One Robotics provides a case study on what not to do, in a breach that rocked the Motor City last month.
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The human response time is around 200-300 milliseconds. But what’s our security team’s response time? And are our tools aligned with that time?
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Developers don’t always read documentation. Firewall admins don’t always block all ports. And users don’t have CyberSecurity street smarts. Now, combine all three with cryptocurrency.
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