A lesson learned from watching this year’s FIRST Michigan state competition.
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A lesson learned from watching this year’s FIRST Michigan state competition.
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Remember the old Bell-LaPadula model for data classification? Time to dust those classic concepts off. Take microservices, the new and shiny. These introduce new areas of problems when different classifications of services are used by different classifications of apps. Here’s an example.
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Microsoft Malware Protection Engine is fatally flawed. Patch now. So that’s a tad scary. But how the flaw got there, that’s more interesting.
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Security happens where man meshes with machine. Human psychology, things like object permanence and object constancy, just might influence whether our cloud (SaaS, IaaS, PaaS) environments are secured.
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One question is whether Cloud computing is more or less secure. A better question is whether we have the processes in place to do new things securely.
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Data protected by … RAID? It’s worth considering what criminals can get off of even a single disk drive from a SAN array.
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A look at supply chain attacks through the lens of Mediaget, a BitTorrent client, getting bundled with malicious cryptocurrency mining software.
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InfoSec and CyberSecurity terms described as snakes and hiking. What is threat landscape and threat hunting, anyways?
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An introduction to the CySAFE controls framework.
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Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks reached 1.5 Tbps this week. Yes, Terabytes. That’s due, in part, from reflection attacks using unsecured memcached servers.
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