Some tips on troubleshooting Active Directory replication:
You may notice that objects in the directory are not the same across all domain controllers, or that people and computers are not receiving their group policy settings, or that the SYSVOL share is not synchronized across the domain. These are symptoms of replication failures.
To troubleshoot replication failures, begin with the basics. Are all the replication links up? Are all the domain controllers synchronized to the same date and time? Then, run Dcdiag.exe to get status of the domain controllers. Run Netdiag.exe to get a report on the network connectivity. Address any issues that these utilities find. Then run Repadmin.exe and validate the connections, site links, and queues. Once everything is validated, run Repadmin.exe and force a synchronization of AD objects. To synchronize group policy settings and the SYSVOL, use Ntfrsutil.exe to troubleshoot and re-replicate the files.
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