Companies can only change so fast. Teams can only do so much. People’s to-do lists can only grow so long. What to do? Build programs strategically so as to not ask for more than can get done.
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Companies can only change so fast. Teams can only do so much. People’s to-do lists can only grow so long. What to do? Build programs strategically so as to not ask for more than can get done.
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As honey pots and honey tokens — those deceptive techniques for tricking red teams and criminals — get more widely used, tools for detecting them are getting created and distributed. Example: Honey Buster.
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Adware organization buys Particle, a Google Chrome plugin. They update the code. People automatically receive the updates. (We are all keeping up-to-date on our software, right?) And then a once good plugin is now shipping adware.
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Some corrections. RSA in GPG is broken, it’s the implementation not the algorithm. And there’s a lot more to using encryption than simply, “set it to the maximum your development framework allows.”
Shout out and thanks to @sweharris and @virtualjj.
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Quick idea. Many breach reports list the sources for identifying the breach. Like, a user calls the help desk. Or perhaps, the Intrusion Detection System (IDS) lights up. Let’s use these communication channels in our incident response planning.
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The bad guys are spoofing our emails. And the bigger we are, the more fake emails pretending to be from us will be sent. Here are some good practices for setting up a reporting mechanism.
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751 DNS domains were hijacked. So then, computers looking up those domains were redirected to download the RIG exploitation kit. Once popped, the computers were joined to the Neutrino Bot. Ouch. Let’s talk DNS controls.
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WannaCry didn’t come in over email. NotPetya didn’t come in over email. So why are people asking us to include phishing controls in our threat models?
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Deep Hosting gets compromised with a php shell. So how can we stop similar attacks in our environment?
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Security programs aligned with an organization’s core values seem to get more buy-in, traction, and visibility.
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