Passwordless authentication supports Zero Trust

Passwordless authentication supports Zero Trust

Passwordless authentication can make a zero-trust environment even more secure. Here’s what state and local governments need to know.

Excerpt from: How Passwordless Authentication Supports Zero Trust

State and local government agencies carry the heavy burden of collecting and managing large amounts of sensitive data to bring essential services to citizens. Naturally, they want to be on the cutting edge of cybersecurity, which is where the zero-trust security model comes in. And now, we’re seeing an innovation that could bolster zero trust’s already formidable defenses: passwordless authentication.

“When we think about zero trust, we want to regularly assess trust and evaluate everything,” Goerlich says. “If we’re constantly going to users and having them put in codes, PINs and passwords, we’re going to get a lot of resistance. So, I think many roadmaps that are successful for state and local governments pursuing zero trust are introducing passwordless as a way to reduce user friction while driving up assurance around identity.”

Passwordless authentication and zero trust work together. An agency may check a user’s fingerprint or face or have a user enter a PIN, but an agency that employs zero trust will also make sure the user is on the right computer in the right location and is behaving in a way that’s expected.

“This is the future of multifactor: implementing the strongest possible factors and addressing concerns around phishing and other common attacks,” Goerlich says.

How Can State and Local Agencies Implement Passwordless Authentication?

Read the full article:

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