Fun Stuff — Wireshark, L0phtcrack, Netcat

Fun Stuff — Wireshark, L0phtcrack, Netcat

Wireshark was updated last month. “Updated Protocol Support: AFS, ATM, DHCPv6, DIS, E.212, RTP, UDP, USB, WCCP, WPS.” This is excellent as I have been playing around with IPv6 more, and the DHCPv6 and UDP enhancements will be a big help. They also fixed the multi-monitor issue that has been plaguing my setup. I am now running on the latest.

L0phtCrack is making a come back. “More than two years after Symantec pulled the plug on L0phtCrack, the venerable password cracking tool is being prepped for a return to the spotlight. The original creators of L0phtCrack has reacquired the tool with plans to release a new version at next week’s SOURCE Boston conference.”

There are also rumors that the L0pht crack folks, Peiter “Mudge” Zatko and Chris “Weld Pond” Wysopal, are working on a 64-bit release of Netcat. While it is debatable whether 32-bit and 64-bit versions will bring any performance boost in connectivity and cryptography, it does get me one step closer to my goal of running only 64-bit code on my notebook.

It is a very exciting week.

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